Love Poem: Lost Love Begins
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Written by: Earl Schumacker

Lost Love Begins

Lost love where lust begins to rise 
Relationships build on betrayals honesty
Grown in the mushroom dark                                         
No one ever really knows their lover
Or another persons heart 
Heavy where secrets sleep in hunger under cover

Cursed men escape into the desert vacancy
Soldiers parched, where no raging rivers run 
Wrinkled lips dry up with ancient wanderers
Including their insides
Skin turns to leather brown
Warriors, dunes, live out the hour with them now

Doomsday is right around the corner of a smile
A tear tries to form but quickly dries
Broken men dream with gushing rivers on the mind
Sun baked with landscape misery 
Thirsty, scorched, craving a glass of water 
Lost on the sand to die
Love flourishes on the morning afterwords
Birds still sing in search for something nourishing
Frantic storms lift their last gasp of air
Sail on warm clouds of memory
Laugh at men who used to grasp for flesh
In pleasure for pleasures sake that past 

Lost on the dunes
Under the unforgiving sun
Other men still wander
Wonder for ages yet to come
How love lingers where lust begins again
Over the buried souls of granular fine grandeur