Lost Soul
Life is many things but joy and happiness is not what I have for I an all alone in the world with no one to care for and no one to care for me in life or any other life that I may have head of me for those who I feel a deep passion of an emotion it always turns out that they have no feeling for me and make me realize that yet again I truly love no one who would share the same emotion back to me . . . now I have finally have given up on this so called emotion for it all ends in the same way for me I'm left behind an then alone all again the darkness has now become my friend and now I lock this curse called feeling or emotions away and hope that someone may unlock this and set me free once again . . . until them I shall lock my self way hoping that I'm not forgotten and that some one is looking for me with the key to unlock the lock I have placed upon myself and as I wait I watch the moon waiting for that day to come