Love Poem: Lost Treasure
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Written by: Leonard Taormina

Lost Treasure


An act of contrition; a written admission.
A misguided youth; to blind to see truth;
A lifetime of years; controlled by his fears;
And now to late; he see's the light.

A woman of worth; his treasure on earth.
His angel his guide; she stood by his side;
The monster called doubt; told him to watch out;
So alone he stole into the night..

From the courage he lacked; he could never go back;
His futile attempts; were met with contempt;
And in darkness he stumbles; as hope slowly crumbles;
And the mark now burns his brain.

A suffering song; of times that are gone;
Truths light finally showed; but no one will know;
And frozen in time; are the thoughts in his mind;
But the lyrics remain the same.

The point of conclusion; is with fear comes illusions;
It's a fool who will measure; the worth of his treasure
for what you abuse; you certainly may lose
So stand true and don't let go.