Love Poem: Love, my Secluded Sedgeway
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Written by: Sizwe Hlabisa

Love, my Secluded Sedgeway

I pen this to you dear Love,
So my words remain eternal
Long after my heart is meld in dust

I am so thankful and ever so grateful
To you dear Love 
For finding me, my beloved 
And blessing me with your gifts

How could I have known what love is
Until you showed me
Made me feel your warmth 
Embraced your every detail
And succumbed to your wisdom

But certainly I do love you, 
With an awe inspiring light of dreams
And vague certainty of time
With all my essence and willow breath
Deep and irregular heart beats for you

Like a summer love bug strung on the taste of you
Pitching at every decibel, you are my sunshine 

Until I knew love
Finally, Until I was loved by you
Nothing became vivid 
Lucid became reality 

I want to search your vast mind and lay you down for eternity
Touching for as i do with you
That fragrance of a bed of roses always freshly cut with the morning dews

Love, that you love Love
Feeling it deep within me
Being unable to describe
Rewriting me
Embelishing me