Never fear...or age will catch up with you
violets, roses, slow you down...clear you up
Rushing to your long lonely silents
What would matter more than to defeat the riot...
only driven through to the heart...only in your soul
Love, after all the rest is gone, there will be ectasies
Free to be, not alone...while life is raw and new
Drink it clear, drink it the moonlight shines...
And the sunlight greets with no caution
The flowers bloom proud...fresh peace catch a comet,
as it kick, fight...dares charm arms open flight...
Soft breast laughing...white teeth smiling
I feel right, the magic you bring to the prince each night...
My love-flame will never end...believe in the perfect blend
As your king, my queen, I demand you to be arrogant,
& true to the breathtaking summer's lust...
Behold, trust sings through the vines...
and forth comes fruits in harvest prime...
What matters most now after harvest,
will be sleep carefully in peace,
Awaiting new our love reaches way down deep!!!