Love-Hate the Internet
As a kid they said technology
would lead us to a better life,
and in many ways they are correct,
tech does many things right.
I suppose I was just naïve
to thing there would be no downside,
now I love/hate the internet,
there are a thousand reasons why…
I love that endless information
is just a single click away /
I hate that there is so much
that it overwhelms the brain.
I love that I can buy anything,
have it delivered rather quick /
I hate endless adds in e-mail,
trying to sell me something slick.
I love that every genre is there,
in every medium, and every type /
I hate that half of it hides viruses
that will steal away your life.
I love that video posting sites
bring old music to the crowds /
I hate the video ‘commentators,’
so inane, rambling, and loud.
I love that every point of view
has a place to makes its pitch /
I hate government and tech giants
always trying to censor it.
I love that every single interest
has a place to blow of stress /
I hate people acting like morons,
and then claiming they’re ‘oppressed.’
I love that you can meet others
who may share your predilections /
I hate that being ‘connected’
soon becomes a damn addiction.
I love that you can reach the world
from the comforts of your home /
I hate that this very same world
then never leaves you alone.
I love that a person can work
from anywhere on any day /
I hate that distance no longer
makes reality go away.
Of course it’s not like it is
ever gonna go anywhere,
we’re forever stuck in between
thankfulness and despair.
I guess the net will ever be
a both sweet and bitter pill,
I love/hate the internet,
and I guess I always will.