Love Poem: Love-POTD
Jay Narain Avatar
Written by: Jay Narain


My love asked me so sweet,
Am I lovelier than a moonlit treat?
I vowed to her with all my might,
When I gaze at you, the moon takes flight.

The flower questioned the garden's grace,
Do I bring colors to your sacred space?
The garden pledged to those blooms so rare,
Your presence, dear flower, makes heaven seem bare.

I inquired of my beloved, my heart's desire,
Shall I keep you captive in my eyes, stoking love's fire?
Tenderly, my lover replied with a smile,
In your gaze, the entire universe, I'll defile.

The poet pondered upon his creation,
Why do poems speak of pain and desperation?
The verses paused, took a deep breath,
The poet's tears, now dry, etched upon his breast.

A POTD poem