Love Poem: Love
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Written by: Joe Dinki



Oh, oblique and renewed in obscurity my
heart pleas for closure, for the finale of this
grand event for which it beats
through a sterling needle upon which eye
do spin through mornings bright with
circumstance – in glory, eye have stood before
the altar, before the sturdy pillars of truth and
valor; before the dreams of my brothers who pulled
that temple down to look the void and ask response,
to lean and stare down within its lead lined walls to see
What words be borne, emerging in warnings,
in folly, in all that is held sacred in the absence of
such validation, the world gone by route escapes them;
Yet I will seek to travel there,
To kiss the stars display, forever.
I will sever those binds this day,
I will search the rocks and trees in awe,
Wander full and lonely amid the season’s
Valid dread, for that one true moment,
That nexus of all understanding:
Love. Oh, yes how small a word,
How illusive a bubble on the surface that
Merely reflects the prism glare of a million sums;
Each empty vacant stare received,
Each thin and callow Christmas Eve;
All renewed there upon this surface glimmer;
Enough to share…Yes, it is there touch it
If you dare.