Love Poem: Love
Gerry Mattia Avatar
Written by: Gerry Mattia


until you give it, you will not see it 
you quite simply will not 
oh, you can want it 
but ‘want’ is a form of ‘take’ 
and you can never take, to have -- except for anger and money 
that kind of want you can easily achieve 
“Give and take” has been a lie to you 
a practice you accept for a phrase you once heard 
no. . . you will not. . . ever. . . get this by wanting 
you want this? 
you gotta give this 
this one ain’t no passing by occasion 
first time you tried, you wanted – fair enough 
there ain’t no next after that 
you got the lesson when you kindergarten’d somewhere in your teens 
no in between. . . here 
no amount of years can pass 
no guarantee that if you didn’t pick it up then. . . you will someday 
listen. . . read well 
until you stop wanting 
you will not get, giving 
you will be without love.