What is love
Four letters put together
Put together to make a word
A word so sweet and so meaningful
At times used in all the wrong ways
But wait....what is love again
Is it that word used to express your feeling beyond your soul
Or that word you use to please your hormones
And again love is.........
What is love
A cry out loud.....
Mistake'n for lust at times
Gosh, now that i think about it.....
Is love a crime
A feelin between two
Does this just mean emotionally......
Or does it go beyond that
Can you tell me what love is now
Is there no real meaning
Is love just all feeling
How should i act.....
What should i say.....
What should i do......
Better yet how should i feel.........
What is this thing called "love"
Is it really more then just four letters
More then just a peace maker
More then a love maker
Or a heartbreaker
In my eye's.......
Love is what you make it
A word shake'n not stir'ed
Passed around to end up with no real definition
Looked for in all the wrong places
Wrong time
Wrong state of mind
But loves goes on
Some deeper then other
But the true love is not 1st found in another
Its found in you and no other
But i still question what is love
And love is.......