You want rats?
I’ve got rats.
Steaming in visceral sewers,
Running sores bared
Where derelict hobo sweat
Burns Old Spice and Mandate.
Abandoned dreams glow,
Stamped fluorescent disco
On the backs of skeleton hands,
Peeling flesh gobbets.
Stinking evaporation,
Throttling gargoyle oxygen,
Damn yes I can breathe
Bliss and self destruction.
From a vampire maw,
Impotent agendas spewed
At cadaver imagery,
At love.
See me, feel me,
Understand nothing, yet
Bulletin platitudes snarled,
Sneered ugly from pink lips.
Arrogant pig stupidity,
You never knew me
Or the things of my sleep.
Best pray you never see
My heat sink fracture
And zero tolerance unleash
All the things
You don’t know…