Love Poem: Love
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Written by: Mash Mulla


Does love hurt this much?

When life opened its arms to give me a hug and I embraced it,
Life made me feel alive and I lived my life,
Living with you and feeling your arms around me each time,
Living like two big shadows in the dark together, we seemed inseparable,
Together alive like the blight moon, together forever,
Shining in each other hearts,

Does love hurt this much?

You came into my life when it was empty,
Emptiness that made me feel incomplete,
Hunted by the thoughts that I could be alone,
Now we seem to be together like two shinning coins,
Shining like the bright stars always reflecting our lives,

Does love hurt this much?

While I swim in the sea of life,
Love so pure like the blue sea,

Does love seem to hurt this much?

Emptiness now hunts me again
Emptiness seems to call out my name
Looking at this last possession I hold
Her possession I feel possess me
Painting my old  life
So much pain, so much baggage,
Pain that chews and eats me alive,
There you go again chasing your dreams and hopes,
Hopes to find another lover,
Hopes to feel alive again,
I look at this chapter of my life,
A chapter full of joy and sorrow,
Sorrowful tears, I have sprayed
During this cold winter,
Does love hurt this way I feel so much pain and cold in my soul