Love Poem: Love
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Written by: Siza Sibiya


The thought of realizing this embrace of life’s lessons learnt in this space 
Came the loading of various emotion concluding rumors of lost assumptions 
Surrounding stories that had no sense in this expensive gift called the present 

Resonating, the misery in love's flawless 
Knowing beauty is its weakness 
Of giving it away to who won't stay lets prey 
That knowledge & understanding will strikes his demanding 

Of righteousness while being in the darkness of the light blinded sight
But not enlightened by the truth that love is the tranquilizer to a painful tooth 
‘Cause love is the answer to every problem where anger, jealousy, hatred is symptom
Then the solution will be diluted in the wrong conclusion
Coursing confusion in a simple equation

That love = healing being the cure of all bad feelings
Filling the abyss where truth should be revealing
The moment of clarity being the parody between reality and the drunken mentality
To be sobered up by love lost hearts crossed 
Then love opens the door in order to find it again or hurt some more?