Love is a many faceted thing, it is multi faceted thing, it is alive.
More then an emotion, more then an energy, more then a spirit
Love is a living thing, it breaths in the hearts of men
It moves them to the highest heights and yet to the deepest depths
It causes men to do things unthought of, unheard of,
It causes them to dream things beyond the ability to dream.
Love is wonderful, yet love can be destructive,
Love never lets go, yet can let go in a moment of time,
Constantly reaching, constantly pursuing, constantly feeling,
Constantly going beyond all limits, beyond all hopes.
When do you know you are in love?
When you know you have reached beyond the boundries of your own heart,
And have broken into another, piercing the very depths of their soul.
Speaking words so lightly, so fully, so unforgettably real.
Making a connection, a union of two hearts and two souls.
Love is what makes the world go round and it is so profound, it fills us so full.
Love brings us such a strength, love gives purpose, and the power to fulfill it.