Love Poem: Love
Megan Maddox Avatar
Written by: Megan Maddox


Love is like that of a human face

  Love's eyes are continually searching through the bleak masses for affection,  
attention, and stability from other eyes staring back through the vail of our worries.

 When love's eyes are set on a certain destination they will stop at nothing to 
make it their own or look at the world the same again. 

 Love's mouth is foolish and whispers sweet nothings into the stark air only to 
have another feel the same as love does. 

 Love's tongue flicks words into the abyss, bringing a ray of light into the darkest 
 corners of our minds. 

 Love's ears pine to find the same words its own lips gives or any sign that we all 
haven't lost that primordial feeling that two people can give one another with just 
one glance.