Love… love is ever-changing.
With each generation,
we seem to lose the meaning.
We rely so much on what others think
that it prevents our possibility for true love.
Love… love used to be everlasting.
It was something we held dear to us,
that we only gave to the person we knew,
we knew we wanted to spend every waking moment with.
Love… love is boundless.
Now opened up to everything,
we can connect to people from anywhere.
No longer confined to our neighboring towns,
the whole world is a brand new opportunity.
Love… love is evolving.
Society, technology, medicine, socialization,
we as a race are advancing leaving behind the old ways.
So does love continue to evolve,
or did it develop into an all new emotion?
Love… well love is love.
There’s no denying true love is harder to come by,
but it still exist scarcely in the world.
One can only hope to find it,
and experience the true definition of…
1. unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another