Love Poem: Love
Anisha Dutta Avatar
Written by: Anisha Dutta



                 Long back full youth flourished abloom
                  Bud of love peeped through core of compassion
                   Folded petals yet to blossom,
                    on romantic aroma of passion.

                 Mr. Hesitant met Miss Shy.
                Both liked each other but thought long to wait.
                 Wobbling time idly passing by.
              to decide and approach to fix First Date?  
               Then, lovely red rose smiled to claim
                  bubbling blood to flood on quiet Miss Shy.
                    Mr. Hesitant not to blame. 
                Two eager hearts accepted social tie.

                   Days rolling on love and rapture
                   turning chapter of ancient history.
                     Couple unable to capture
                      amour forever, but reached expiry. 
         Second Place   
    'What Your Poem Needs Now...... Contest by Michelle Faulkner

  Re-edited on 02/16/20

                                    First Place
 'STRAND SELECT Q'  contest by Brian Strand