Love Poem: Love
Abby Ratterman Avatar
Written by: Abby Ratterman


Love, a four letter word
A meaning we think we know
A significance that is nary e’er heard
To the wind, by people does this word blow

What does this tiny word mean?
To give of oneself beautifully and wholly
Stay free of sin if possible, to stay clean
Don’t look at others as though they are lowly

The gift of one’s purity in marriage
A life given willingly for a friend
The broken we mustn’t disparage
Happily, for another we’ll break and bend

It is an act of the will
Actions, as they go
Not something you feel
The will to love will grow

Love, a meaning not taken seriously 
A word we shouldn’t allow ourselves to forget
Love, a word often used mysteriously
Though used lightly, ne’er, I hope, with regret