Love Poem: Love For Three Women
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Written by: Sidney Beck

Love For Three Women


In bays and headlands of my dreams I hear her sweet laughter:     
She strolls along the beach in morningtimes at low tide bright.    
O, like an unworn dress for a feast unknown hereafter,  
My daughter and my better, guide and guard her out of sight.  

Similar but  different.  Passionate.  Lover and  friend.   
My wife’s yesterday-tastes are mine  -  lovebird pigeons homing,    
Looking in one direction, the calculable next bend,    
Bound together through yellow woods in the evening gloaming.    

Grey haired,  she lives forever younger in my memory.    
With music, learning, poetry she set my mind ablaze:    
From high Parnassus, future seeds fed by roots of hist’ry.    
Mirrored in my soul, mother’s eyes return my searching gaze.     

      These three beloved women through my  heart and spirit roam:
      May love for them give strength and  comfort on their  journey home.


Written by Sydney Peck,   12  June  2011    for

Francine Roberts' Contest   "Sonnets, Sonnets, everywhere!"