Love Poem: Love Affairs
DM Babbit Avatar
Written by: DM Babbit

Love Affairs

I've had love affairs throughout my years
 so many I can't count beyond the parting tears.
Not many in my youthful primal fears
 but as I grew they did rise amidst my heart's cheers.

Not just chemistry or physical infatuation
 they drifted in my dreams without hesitation;
each set my body afire in self cremation.

Double 007, my James Bond dreamers
 drew out my breath in blinding steamers
where I hardly paused for slow  heart beaters.

In reality, I blush, the truth be said
 only one lover was ever taken to my bed
and in the arms of the intense embrace
 I won the love afffair's best race.

Should now I catch the mirrors reflection
 the face I see upon inspection
is yours standing next to me
 the continued love affair at seventy three.