Love Afterlife
Pretty pease won't you please return to
me and come on back to me sunshine
Because the cold winter night's I
feel have drawn in way to fast this year
And as you quite as well know I hate and
am scared of the impending imposing dark
And has taken with it the migrating
sounding song of the lark's mating
Ever so joyous and playfully eminent
to be behold perched proud aboard
garden wishing tree
Which and whilst in summer once
provided me slender hope to cling
Now come winter serves only as a
painful reminder that
Like it's stand's before me now
with it's branches barren stripped
down bare devoid of leaves to cover
and adorn it
Again like everything else in this here
thing we call life
This two shall surely come to pass
If not in this life then surely hopefully then the
Until then finger's firmly crossed hey