Love alone is real
On befriending silence, heart’s still
whence voids within, on their own fill,
bliss beats rise within, all home grown,
path of love by God has been shown.
Who in truth we are we mistook,
so we browsed through the holy book.
Wisdom of Christ is etched in stone;
path of love by God has been shown.
We are at our best when thoughts rest,
free from fear, no load on our chest.
Cover of ego is now blown;
path of love by God has been shown.
When we surrender, we then rise,
beholding each offered surprise;
grace divine continues to hone,
path of love by God has been shown.
Negating desire, soul afire,
dumps lust in the funeral pyre;
into bliss pastures, heart has flown
path of love by God has been shown.
Mind and soul surrendered to God,
we tip toe into heart unshod;
no desires remain to bemoan
path of love by God has been shown.
We’re not form and once we know this,
doing nothing we imbibe bliss.
Watch that thought hermit, watch its tone,
path of love by God has been shown.
Made in God’s image, living light,
our heart pulsates with bliss delight.
Life’s been given to us on loan,
path of love by God has been shown.