Love Always Brings Us Back
You can't have both, you must give up one,
Which is stronger the stealings or the love,
Regain the love and give up the stealing,
Then watch your image fall in the making,
How important is it to you not to look like a fool,
If you let everyone else make your decisions for you,
Who knows best, them or God,
Are you truly following your heart,
For when you give into love, its blessing can't compare,
To any amount image you thought you could wear,
Simple becomes beautiful, worries become less,
Less competing and comparing, you'll face your own heart instead,
Busy becomes a whole brand new definition,
Entrigued by life's beauty, and not prestigious judgments,
your personal relationships become much more personal,
The time you have to put your heart out on the table,
Am I Martha or Mary or a little of both,
I can't stay in one season for too long, you see me than you dont,
Does it mean I feel any less when I'm gone,
When God is working on my heart, absolutely not!,
Does his direction matter more than what others think,
Time alone with him, opening my eyes to see,
Preparation has a way of healing old wounds,
Changing our perspectives, instead of reacting too soon,
healing the hurt to come together again,
The love always brings us back, my friend.