Love and Hate
I love you with all my heart
You despise me and soon I hope we part
The love I have for you is something off the chart
No don’t ask for a second chance because I don’t want to press restart
You have always been there for me from the start
I was so dumb to trust you and believe you damn I thought I was smart
God made you and I on his canvas and we are his special art
Next time ill aim high as you hit me low with your dart
Baby I love you with all my heart cant you see
Ugh you frustrate me to a point I wish I was like a dove and would fly free
Because through the cold nights I want you to be there with me
Don’t expect me to think about marrying you because ill never for you get on one knee
If I were to ask you right now I am sure you would agree
No babe it’s not because you always wanted to go on a shopping spree
Because last night you gave me your heart and inside was the key
I no longer love you look in your mail and you will see your key and that’s a guarantee
I promise to you babe you I will never mistreat
You make me mad almost everyday I am burning up like the suns heat
God told me in a dream that our lives will be complete
Yea go ahead get on your phone and talk about how bad I am and tweet
As long as our hearts shall beat
I cant wait until I finally highlight our relationship and press delete
Lets tell the world about out love there is no reason to be discreet
Don’t worry baby you’re a whore all you now how to do is cheat
I know we are meant to be every time we look eye to eye
You’re a cheater, liar, deceiver, and now your ugly and I don’t care if you cry
I cant believe our relationship is above the sky
You tried to flush out my bank account and make it bone dry
I ask my self how I found an angel like you and wonder why
Guess what baby there is no longer a you and I
Because love like yours is something no one can buy
Yes that’s right I am finally saying goodbye
© Jeremy Fennell