Love and Hate
The touch of hands so soft
the feel of love so lost
and a child of a sinner's cost
I was used, abused and raped
this poetry is how I tell my HATE
towards my father,
I his own daughter
should never wish to slaughter
a man so known in my life
What a horrible end
with my bloody knife
they ask me if I am troubled
they ask me what went wrong
I just smile and say
"Nothing, it's been my fault all along."
because thats all they wanted to hear
they didn't want the truth
I had once been innocent
now I am the deadly youth
so I tell you now
I will sit, be silent and stay
for my mother didn't care
her marrige was far to important
for her love for me to get in the way
She use to say
"Twenty-five years,
we've been together"
Then she'd say
"It's going to be forever."
Well mother I am sorry to say
Your beloved husband got lost
along the way
to a happy end
he made my life hell
and I'll make it back
all to well.
I never meant to make you cry
I never meant to tell the truth
But mother I can tell you now
Even though you hate me
I do nothing but love
for its my father who
should shed the blood
You kicked me out and called me a lie
well sorry mother that I am still alive
I have come to terms
with all you've said
and to your suprise
I would LOVE to be dead
because I never would of thought
that you'd chose him over me
so mother I love you
That is my honesty