Love and Ice
When I sit alone in my ice block
And I sing by hunger or cold
I think,it’s paintfull the process,
That without you I’m melting
Buckets of hot blood are licking
Thoughts as birds fly to you…
I’m the prisoner of my own love,
It fetters me and it’s flocking me
Tramelled in fer of pollar fox
I sit with my eyes on fire,so they can get
Something of the hotness of a night in an igloo
In frosted nord and solitary
I have no body,what should I look in the mirror?
Either a mirror I have.i don’t need.
I mirror and I siwm in your look
In nights with cold winds
That blow the ice in your eyes.
We hug at the end of world
And your tear,from the pain of the crock of the ice
Born,it makes a river at our feet.
The aureole is then a rainbow
We sit on the edge of the river and we fish:
Dreams,then we divide them brotherly…
In cold nights we hunt pollar foxs
We run on the horses of dreams.Star dust
Rises in the back the hoofs of horses of fire and wind
We have no words in our mouths.
We only have mouths that chew and fire
Which melt the suplimentar ices.
When we hold our hands
The lava flows on snow
And the fire slowly melts into water
The rain washes the face of the sun
The day comes hurried and when leaves
The night,with small stars
The fire starts in us.
You burn slowly in the bed which has no wood in it
When you show up in the sill of the door
Un warm smile and the eyes become
Blue ice,almost white.
The whole darkness enters to us
And turns off the vision about time.
The dawn comes more difficult
I found myself in your arms,
In sleep and in dream…