Love and Its Irony
Love And Its Irony by Sumisha Chandan
With love right around the corner,
a checkered pink pant
fitted well with a manly mink
has its own alibi.
With a pink pant and the trinket down its part,
no one loves love for a while.
Loneliness takes you to the same corner
this time it is a white and a blue collar,
with black checkered pants.
You run into love this time
to find, it wearing a fine dress
around its corner.
You want it to come your way
but the ways have changed.
The distance is enough,
for a retake of the pink pant and the two piece collar.
You run towards the same corner
You find love waiting with its red dress,
waiting to be kissed & hugged.
You realize it's a mistake you make,
to think love comes in beautiful ways.
The next time you see a purple faced pant
don't forget to carry it home,
to stitch it well with pink.
'Cause it hurts
the love who could be yours,
sitting on the same corner
begging for someone
who could be you
A spectacled disaster!!!