Love and Security
If I should succeed in crossing all my T’s and become a person of renown and nobility. If I should place all my ‘commas’ in all the right places, pausing where I should. If I should stop at all the signs requiring me to, and place all my ‘periods’ where they belong. If I should dot all my i’ s and little j ’s too, and live a good and decent life all my days. If I should find happiness and fulfillment through my church, my country, and my career. If the outside world should view me as warm and wise, and approach me ever so respectfully. I must say that all such accomplishments would render me grateful and most appreciative. Nevertheless, if I should fail in making my wife feel secure and knowing by me she is loved,
then I shall ever be, and rightfully so, a man both unfinished and unfulfilled.
07072017PSContest, Free Verse On Love, Laura Loo