Love and Share
Winged Cupid's day
Winged god of love
Love of many kinds
Love passed on in Spanish roses
Roses of red yellow and blue
Roses with prickly thorns
Thorns that sink into broken hearts
Thorns that turn our hearts blue
Blue as the skies above
Blue like the wide deep ocean
Ocean with lilies floating above
Ocean passing on careless whispers
Whispers seem to say I love you
Whispers that wish to be heard above the noise
Noise of silent voices
Noise we would end
End these foolish games
End from breaking so many hearts
Hearts of the shepherds pining for nymphs
Hearts leaping about in the air
Air filled with the sweet smell of exotic spice
Air carrying the salty smell of sea
Sea so undiscovered and mysterious
Sea that leads up to the beach
Beach were the fair lover waits
Beach where I will sail to be with you
You my love fairer than Venus
You my darling more magical than the sunset
Sunset is when I will finally arrive
Sunset blazes a path for the full moonlight
Moonlight fit for a lovers date
Date I always long will come
Date so sacred to her mother February
February the month when love blooms
February when the archer is busy with his bows
Bows of silver and of gold
Bows I hope will be in my favour today
Today not like any other day
Today I hope that you will be mine
Mine to hold cherish and care for
Mine I hope eternally
Eternally bound by the chains of love
Eternally we now are one