Love Poem: Love and the Prudent Mind

Love and the Prudent Mind


How can passion nab a prudent mind
Heartless and unrelenting sorrow
Passion which
Haunts across seas 
Crazes uncharted through widow making mountains

Shadows its prey
day by day from scent of soap to toothpaste caps
Sleepless nights in strangers beds—The vows once took cannot be shed

How can love annex a prudent mind
     Diligently plodding through piles of work 
Jump between the lines and ink
like a rapist scare
to catch the victim unaware

Heartless and relentless sorrow
Years refine the passion fire
      Body aches for vanished scorching touches
Heartless and relentless sorrow
Like a bird she fled the skies
But longs in secret for the midnight flight return