Love and Truth
Here we go again...why Lord why?,
did my so called friend choose to stay blind?,
offended to hear a view in love,
it pains my heart that he didn't care enough,
to stay.....
I really tried not to offend, and explained it was only a view,
I'm still here, still caring, still loving through,
should i go on believing that friends are far and few and in between,
when i take the time to listen, take their constructive critisizm and thank them for telling me,
was it so much in the words they say, or more in their loves hand,
to make that effort, it was more of loves intent to try and understand,
i cannot begin to say how much that means to me,
that you would care enough to tell me the realness that you see,
if it doesnt come out sounding nice, i will take a minute to reflect,
and practice humbling myself and shutting my mouth, in love and out of respect,
because you cared enough not to humor me and told me the truth,
that is why you are my friend, and in my heart i love you.