Love Poem: Love As I Love and Throw Nothing Away!
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Written by: Andrew Crisci

Love As I Love and Throw Nothing Away!

It took me more than a long journey...
to learn what I have learned in a lifetime,
and thinking it over:  it has been so worthwhile;  
so love as I love and  throw nothing away!

These instincts won't allow anything to be trifling,
giving nothing and expecting returns,
but appreciating whatever is given to anybody 
in small or greater amounts;
who's more blessed the giver or the taker...
when you are told answers so misleading?
Money is useless to a miser,
if it  is kept in a treasure chest without being given away!   

Love seems to have lost  that appeal so respectable,
its modern meaning is a word too trite;
it trenches on perfidious hearts, and it is trivial
when treated with unkindness and spite!
So love as I love and throw nothing away;
only those penetrating minds will know why!

Secure love's joys within grasped palms,
don't be misled by irrational ideas...
they provoke anger and invite trouble
for whomever believes in invidious love,
and regardless of how it harms,
its outcome will be imponderable;
and to impose on being loved is as thoughtless
as being irrelevant in any tone!

Love as I love and throw nothing away,
but a heavy heart can find itself 
yearning for human sympathy:
when it is denied an inwardly laughter...
for not having appreciated its coming into existence;
and that insignificant life nobody will remember!  

Copyright  2008 by Andrew Crisci