Love Poem: Love Beats Poison Everytime

Love Beats Poison Everytime

Have you ever let anyone into your heart 
and watch how they pore poison in 
disguise of sugar and love Into the only 
thing you had to offer. Where and how 
and when did we lose sight of reality, 
sight of truth, sight of whats really 
happening.  And when we finally realize 
that somethings wrong, we have two 
choices let the poison kill us or find a 
antidote.  All your looking for now is how 
to release the pain, to make it all stop. 
Everywhere you turn you see there face 
you smell there fragrance you feel there 
touch when your lonely you hear there 
voice like a echo in the caves. You feel 
so lost as you walk down the streets you 
feel no hope, and as your mind is racing 
trying to figure out when, what, where, 
how, who!!! Will this ever end for me will 
I ever get my self back to at least half of 
what i was. And in that moment of that 
thought you have coffee runing down 
your chest.  You don't know how too feel 
until you realize that you just got you're 
antidote, the hot burning liquid that just 
scolded your heart and gave it a jump 
start and only when you look up and you 
see the eyes and the mouth and the 
beautiful features of the person who's 
standing in front of you in panic 
apologizing frantically all you can do is 
smile and thank them for saving your 