Love Circles Around
Love is rude. It comes through your door without even knocking first.
Love makes itself at home,and doesn't care if it interupts your plans.
Love is disrupting, unexpected, and competely wonderful.
Love can make you fell like you are alive for the first time in your life.
Love can make you feel like you could do more than you ever dreamed.
Love can make the impossible seem possible, and the unreachable so close.
Love makes itself at home and is finally welcome.
Love can grow and grow spreading itself on everything around it.
Love can also, unfortunately grow into something completely unrecognizable.
Love fades out,not quite as bright as when you first met it.
Love finally dies and leaves you wondering what you were about to do before it walked through the door unannounced.
Love leaves you feeling very alone,confused, and angry.
Love finally becomes a distant memory,though it was short it was definatly sweet.
Love comes and goes,but always finds it's way back to your door.