Love City Of Mississauga POTD
Love the magnificent city, our peaceful, caring abode for years!
Overlooking waterfront of Credit river flowing into Lake Ontario -
Visually appealing beaches entertain with amazing views,
Enchanting forests with tall trees protect fauna and flora around!
City of flourishing culture - arts, sports encouraged with equal enthusiasm
Inspiring togetherness among little children, teenagers, youth
To try their best and thrive in academics, follow their passions,
You will find Mississauga the safest place to live with no hesitation !
Opulent gorgeous parks and gardens for citizens to enjoy,
Fabulous museums, art centres, libraries to appreciate!
Mississauga has cordially welcomed the world to its cradle ~
Indigenous community left a valuable legacy,
Safety of wildlife a primary focus in this vibrant city,
Spreading awareness of conserving environment earnestly.
Integration highly nurtured, values of diverse communities
Sincerely appreciated by residents, supported and shared,
Sending positive vibes - unlimited energy and soaring dreams!
A city of multiculturalism wins the hearts of multitude ~
Unbelievable history of showing immense gratitude,
Greatest appealing lifestyle surrounded by bountiful nature,
Astounding picturesque scenery invites soulful creativity!