Love Comes From the Most Unexpected Places
Love Comes From The Most Unexpected Places
You came one day with a captivating smile.
You definitely caught my attention with your gorgeous and trendy style.
Telling myself you look awesome, can you be mine?
With my wishful thinking, let's get entwine?
How lovely can it be if you will be my sunshine!
One fine day, I was caught with a big surprise.
From the most unexpected place, you were at my side.
I looked into your eyes,
Then, I surmise!
There was a sparkle of attraction beyond but somehow my confusion lies.
With this crazy feeling no matter how heavy the heart will be
I had to hide and guised.
For I know some issues will soon arise.
I could had forethought but I came to realized,
This love will never be mine as my heart will always cry!