Love Did It
It was Love, emanating from, conceived in God's heart Divine that made His
Spirit overflow, granting joy and peac and life to the inhabitants of Earth below.
By grace, His mercy did prevail and works in the hearts of men to cleanse,
regenerate, restore His perfect will so man will grow to know that His
commandments are still in force and governs the Universe and that he(mankind)
is the only one off course.
The Sun still shines during the day, rising in the East and setting in the West.
The Moon and Stars still shine in the night to guide through all of the darkness.
The planets still hang in their sockets; the Heavens remain the same.
The birds still sing and fly above.
The fish still swim below in waters spoke into being by HIS own Words, our
Supreme and Holy God-
So that all who live may know that HE is Just and Fair and Good, granting to men
all that HE said He would.
Love Did It, for God is Love and Love is God-
When men let HIM rule in their hearts, righteous happiness will reign.