Love Expectations
Love expectations
You expect me to be what you want
You expect me to live according to your love
You expect me to be outgoing, while I’m not
You expect my life to revolve around you
You expect me to forget whom I am when I’m with you
You expect me to check you every second of my life
You expect too much
You expect love to be defined according to your definition of love
Let love be great and enjoyable
Stop expecting things that aren't real
Expect the unexpected
Live up with each other’s differences
Make love fun, live it the way it comes
Love is a feeling that is unexplained
Don’t expect me to explain it
Let me show you it (love)
Love the unexpected of love
Let me and you create our own love
Let’s not come with our own expectation in our relationship
Let’s set our expectation together and live up with things we can’t change
Let’s make promises we are going to keep
Let’s make this love the most beautiful thing we never came across