Love Explained
The word love has such a glorious ring
Makes us warm and fuzzy all over
Seeing pretty flowers where none exist
Or walking through fields of clover
What a boring place this world would be
If we couldn't feel the pleasures of love
But could it be just our active imagination
Or some hokus pokus from above?
Whatever the reason, whatever the case
It's the emotion that makes us tick
The balance that keeps us all on track
But some say it's a cheap parlour trick
They say it's a fairy tale and isn't for real
Just a figment of our imagination
Most times we can turn it on or off
And call it an innocent flirtation
So here's to love, raise your glasses high
For me, it's still alive and well
In spite of all the nasty cynicism that exists
It's survived through heaven and hell
© Jack Ellison 2015
Dedicated to Tim Smith, the Romance King