Love Expressed Is Love Rekindled
Love needs to be expressed in many forms, many ways, all the time.
Inaction, silence and neglect are love killers.
Love like a flower, needs to be nurtured and cared for.
The written word is a powerful mode of expression.
But the love letter has become a thing of the past.
However, the digital age heralds many new ways of expressing your love in words.
Don't just say the words, write them down and send them to express your love.
My heart bursts with love for you.
I fall in love with you over and over again.
Our immortal love is too short, an epic.
If you ask why I love you set aside days to listen.
To have you near to me is all I ask.
I will never find another, even a little bit like you.
Love's gravity and tug always pulls me towards you.
My most cherished moment is the minute, hour and day that I met you.
I can't stop smiling whenever a think of you.
My heart feels empty when I'm away from you.
Love begets love in buckets.
It was love at first sight, second, third, fourth, fifth sight and every sight thereafter the same
I always feel unworthy to love you.