Love Facing Twin Impossibility
Love facing twin impossibility
comprises all we two may ever own;
hoping against hope, we walk separate paths--
you, yours...I, mine...yet, never quite alone.
Although our paths seem harshly parallel,
our feet with weary waiting shod,
it is all we have to conquer our despair,
this dream in anguish shared mid fearsome odds.
I cannot force my heart to tear itself
from one whose soul with mine so fiercely twines;
I will finish life and lie beneath cold stone
before I find another love like thine.
Is this too great a price which we must pay,
to suffer long and know so little bliss?
Ah, I would gladly double tribute pay
to say I have known love as true as this.
Though to the road ahead no end appears,
it may be, love, that in a little while
we will top twin hills to view our promised land
where two paths race toward union and, then, smile.
For now, I know another watches guard,
and I must trust Him with your love till then;
His guiding angel walks between our forms
to clasp my hand and yours to journey's end.
Faye Lanham Gibson
Copyright, 1987