Love For My Siblings
My ever dearest siblings,
Through this sonnet, allow me to express my love for you, Brods and Sis, emanating from the Lord, exemplified by our parents, exuded throughout
our family and extended to our homes. I love you…
Faithful ardent love ceaselessly prevails
Compassionately binding hearts with glee
Since the Saviour’s divine care never fails
Granting sweet fellowship for you and me.
God’s warm presence seals our kinship embrace
Tying us around great partnership bliss
Enclosing our togetherness' blest grace
Midst prayer-propped greeting and kindness’ kiss.
Sublime loyalty keeps knitting our souls
Secured well while to the Lord we draw nigh
For revival fires in reaching-out goals
To leave good legacy along faith’s fly.
Together we nurture love as home’s worth
Such is Christ’s gift to share with heaven’s mirth.
In today’s birthday of mine, my heart offers gratitude to God for His love that keeps on reigning over our sibling-bond… which our loved ones, spouses and children likewise experience. Also, thanks for your love.
*Ephesians 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
March 8, 2023
9th place, "For You, Love" Poetry Writing Premiere Contest
Sponsored by Regina McIntosh; judged on 3/12/2023.