Love For You
The sparkling dawn lighted up my heart’s horizon,
spread the sunburst colors of yearning
on the fervent garden blooming with my love,
swathing the facsimile of your florid face.
The patina of rose flushed your cheeks,
glittering with the grandeur of charismatic petals.
Rhapsody wind blew in the meadow of my heart,
as you became mine, I floated in the air of euphoria.
In the valley of my mind contoured by desire,
I carved the channel of longing to reach you.
The fervid cloud of craving melted in a torrent,
made my limitless love a cascading river I swam.
Flowing with the current of your charming allure,
my emotions soared high to your moonlit sky,
where my love weaved the enticing lattice of stars,
draping my heart with enchanting tinsels I preserved.
Your alluring footprints I traced,
whenever I felt void and alone in the dark wasteland,
you raised for me the scarlet sun of hope,
my love shined like golden cloud in gorgeous dawn sky.
When my garden was drenched by the eventide hue,
I saw your beauty blossom in my alluring arms.
The sapphire patina of the unfurling iris buds
glistened in your eyes with the lilting luster of love.
A tiny drop of joyful tear in the corner of your eye
gleamed like the luring pearl of shimmering dew,
reflected the radiant flicker of yearning of my heart,
the view took me to the edge of the stalled time.
In midsummer mystique night I took you
through the moondust mist to the dulcet sea shore.
Tuning my pulsating heart with sapphire rhythm of waves,
I placed on your arms a bouquet and me.
With the melody of the whistling flute of zephyr,
and the mesmeric music of the rolling waves,
I composed the lyric of my love resonating for you
with my yearning that imaged my dreams in your eyes.
In my journey across the undulating terrain of life,
through the blizzard in the winter of despair,
and along the valley of flowers in the spring of delight,
by my side I find you, my wife, the precious gift of God.
March 7, 2023
Contest : For You, Love
Sponsored by : Regina Mcntosh