Love Forever
As sky is ready to bid bye to setting Sun,
Twilight spread shimmering sheen coloring cloud auburn
I reminisce our meet on lustrous luminous eve,
your glossy golden hair is swayed by zephyr in fun.
My glance glued on shiny Ruby on your deep cleave.
Charmed to hold your soft smooth seamless shivering palm
Amazing ambient tranquil placid calm.
Fiery exhilaration ignited passion.
Your sweet lovely response acted as potion balm.
Quiescent emotion woke up on aggression.
Dazzling dream drank delighted desires: My target.
When left abandoned by your refusal, I forget.
When mesmeric Moon ridicules me with a wink,
Once you loved me most: With a sigh I recollect.
My amour still alive remembering your blink.