Love Has Everything To Do With It
A choice to not be selfish
Never demanding its own way
To effortlessly take the high road
Forgiving even what it cannot forget
Giving without a need for reciprocation
To not take notes or keep records of wrongs
It prefers to take the blame and walk away sad
than to be glad and honored while others hurt
Not having to be blind to love all kind, all the time
Being happy about the accomplishments of others
So powerful that it does not have to be loved to keep on loving
Appreciative for the foundations laid for its success and welfare
Non-controlling, never binding, nonlethal, toxicity free, eagle-soaring freedom
Super glue, the 'no-slip hands' that hold you, me, and EVERYTHING together
01122019PoSoupContest, Your Interpretation Of What Love Is, Bobby May;2P