Love In Anger
We feel the harbour walls decaying, albatross defecate
Dappling as leprosy upon the facia,
Before the sea, mistress of life, licks and eats the slate,
Sucking mortar into the crests of waves.
No more shanties roistered from beaten tavern doors,
Echoing akin to old wishes and dreams,
Distant and dying, starved of attention, igniting no more,
Clawing feebly to excavate graves.
If I could disinter the premature corpse of love, entombed
In cemetery dirt above chalk cliffs,
I would defibrillate it with electric tears, once exhumed,
And nurse its heart to animate.
This love in anger, this love in denial, this love self euthanized,
Should recombine of flesh and dust;
I chant silently, until stopped in my tracks by the death in your eyes,
Eclipsing both love and anger, supplanted by hate.