Love In Perpetuity
Joanna Davis
You can pass it on, with just a touch,
It really doesn't take too much.
A wink, a smile... unspoken look,
There is no love’s great book.
Your heart will feel, soul can tell,
Passions rise, to form a spell.
Once it’s cast, none can break,
All earthly riches you’ll forsake.
To feel its heat. Breathe it in...
Love’s not a game you play to win.
Cost to give, free to take,
Price you pay. Heart the stake.
Some will accept, others berate,
A single kiss will seal your fate.
If lovers knew, they’d never win,
This game of love, would not begin.
They’d be no children on this earth,
If women shied, at pain of birth.
For as long as life, they’ll lovers be,
Love’s here to stay...
In Perpetuity.