Love Invited For Ever For Her
My Love is “the gift “for you ever
Believe me its forever
Gift is not to create rift
It's to lift
Gift is not to relate swift
It's to make wift
It's to impress
Not to compress
It's to keep the feel intact
Nothing behind any tact
It's to motivate
Not to instigate
It's for acceptance
To avoid reluctance
It's to understand
Not to keep under stand
It's for relaxation
To eliminate rigidity
It's for inspiration
To eradicate fragility
It's gifted by the gifted one
It's immaterial
It be material
It be a warming hug
It be a charming touch
It be cherishing feel
It be a emotional outburst
It be a outgoing
It be a just Inner self
It be an alarming caution
It be a calm precaution
In Whatever form , it may be
It's for firmness
It's an affirmation of relation
It's an acceleration of elation
To have lovely and lively LIFE
L ove
I nvited
F or
E ver
It’s for My LOVE
L ong-lasting
O rganized
V ersatile
E nergized
Gift for Her
It's Virinchi's Creation
It's Praguna's Will
It's Hitaoishi's Wishes