Love Is
Love is unconditional or at least it was suppose to be
All that it seems to do now is end up in misery
Love is not a perception or how one may perceive
It is suppose to be Universal what all strive to acheive
Love is not a story especially one with a happy ending
It is more like a soap opera where everyone is pretending
Love is so very one-sided and there is no room for error
It is a disastrous feeling when the other no longer cares
Love is being eradicated from our entire society
It is very short lived like a drug addicts sobriety
Love is about connection not one of disconnect
It is about each other and it is about respect
Love is what is missing in our world of disarray
It is what we're suppose to live for each and every day
Love is quickly abandoned when one is angry at the other
And it doesn't matter whether friends, kids, sister, or brother