Love Is
....being happy to see them if they are late coming home.
….not baking goodies if they are on a diet.
….kissing them before they leave for work
….Waiting up to see them come home safely.
….not being able to leave the airport until their plane takes off.
….feeling that they are indispensable.
….knowing what they are going to say before they say it.
….letting your hair grow because they like it long.
….giving him a chest rub when he has a cold.
….planting flowers in the garden for them.
….taking turns saying grace.
….giving him a photo of Sophie Lauren to moon over.
….going to a movie they have not seen even though you have seen it twice.
….being able to confide in each other.
….gently squeezing their hand.
….accepting each other as you really are.
….a gentle pair of arms.
….the tender kiss they plant on your nose.
….getting a knot in your stomach thinking about them.
….telling each other with your eyes.
….paying attention to everything they say.
copyright@2012 Monica Payne